My husband is an artist of colour. He can create the most amazing colour creations both on hair, and on canvas! Check out his work here: Colour:fix Salon | Colour: fix Art.

He picked up a paintbrush, after a 25 year hiatus, during the pandemic of 2020 when we were all on orders to stay home and his salon had to close. So to fight the boredom and to keep his creative edge, he turned to painting. 

The first painting he created was a self portrait. Naturally, leave it to him to pick one of the most difficult subjects to paint first! But tell me, how amazing is this?
After posting a photo of the painting to his social media pages, everyone wanted it. (Lucky for me - I got dibs and it is mine!!!) That’s when he realized he had something here.

Idly talking one night, he told me about how many of his hair clients wanted a copy of this painting. A few wanted it to hang on their wall, or their refrigerator so every time they were faced with a decision where they had to make a difficult choice, they would look to the painting and ask, “What would Michael think?” As he looked at them judgingly from the portrait.

I thought that was amazing and jokingly said that we should make stickers with the portrait that say that and put them all over town! I meant it as a joke, but after a long pause, he said YES! We should totally do that! I was on the job and was going to make that happen!

Taking a photograph of the original portrait, I laid the image out on a sticker format and added the copy, “You sure you want to do that? What would Michael think?” along with his Insta handle. Can I tell you how fun it was to open the box with hundreds of stickers with his face on them?
We’ve handed them out in lieu of business cards and added them to the packaging of commissions he’s sent out. What a fun way to promote your business!

Thanks for checking out my work and reading along!
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